Manchester Studio - Hair Pulling Treatments

A sympathetic and successful approach to Trichotillomania

Emily before

Emily before Intralace

Emily after removing the Intralace having regrown her own hair

Emily with her own natural hair after
removal of the Intralace System™

Anyone who has suffered from the compulsion to pull out their hair knows how isolating it can be. You spend hours covering up the areas you pull from. You hide it from family and friends and are scared to tell anyone about it, and you become ashamed and convinced that no-one can ever understand what you're going through.

You'll find a sympathetic ear and practical solutions at our Manchester hair loss studio. We often see women and girls with Trichotillomania and all our staff understand how it can cause feelings of guilt and introversion, and the isolation that results from trying to hide it. We've seen the highs and lows that you go through and no-one here will ever judge you for the occasional setbacks that are so common amongst Trich sufferers.

The type of transformations we can make to women's hair

A barrier to pulling

Our main treatment for Trich utilises the Intralace System. We use it for many types of hair loss, but for Trich it has a special advantage - the mesh system that it's based on stops you from getting at the roots of your hair so you can't pull them. This breaks the cycle and allows you to concentrate on habit-reversal techniques and other forms of therapy without worrying that you might fall back into old ways.

The Intralace completely disguises the areas you've been pullng from and gives your hair more body - resulting in a much-improved overall look that will raise your confidence levels and allow you to feel normal for perhaps the first time in years. This helps improve social interaction and reduces feelings of isolation, giving you a big incentive to finally beat the condition.

Your hair will grow unhindered beneath the Intralace, so unless you've been pulling for a long time and the damage has become permanent, then after a few months when the system is removed for the first time you should find that your hair has begun to return to normal. Our Manchester team will then advise you on whether the system should be put back on for a further period or if a lighter system or light extensions should be the next step.

Nothing is ever certain with Trichotillomania, but the vast majority of our clients have found that the combined benefits of the improved confidence that comes from looking good again and not worrying about their problem being discovered, along with the physical improvements as the hair gets a rest from pulling, allow them to regain control of their pulling urges and break the destructive cycle. For many - like Emily who recorded some videos of her journey - it can be life-changing.



The Next Step - Contacting Us

The first consultation is free so you can come and get a feel for what we can do for you. Or if you prefer we can have a video consultation instead.

To contact us about an appointment or get more information see the Manchester Contact page where you can send us an enquiry or give us a call.

For details of our location and directions for getting there see our Manchester Directions page.

For further information on Trich visit our Trichotillomania pages including the before and after gallery.

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