Edinburgh Studio - Alopecia Management

Understanding the trauma of female Alopecia and disguising its effects

francesca before

Francesca before Intralace

francesca after

Francesca after Intralace

Of all the varieties of hair loss that we see in our Edinburgh salon, Alopecia is one of the most common. There are a number of different types of Alopecia - you can read about many of them on our Living with Hair Loss blog post - The different types of Alopecia explained - and unfortunately medical science has made little progress in combating them. Some of them like Alopecia Areata appear suddenly causing bare patches, and while the affected areas can sometimes start growing again they can just as easily regress. This unpredictability makes it very stressful, and since stress seems to be one of the contributory factors, this feeds back on itself.

In contrast Androgenetic Alopecia comes on gradually and usually causes overall diffuse thinning, while Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia also comes on gradually but affects the front and side hairlines leaving behind scar tissue on which hair can no longer grow. Both these types come with their own psychological challenges which are very real for those experiencing them.

An example of the type of transformation we can provide for our clients

Beware "snake oil" treatments

Unfortunately the distress that Alopecia causes can leave women open to being exploited by advertising that plays on their fears and hopes to sell them "hair loss shampoos" and lotions, or by treatments with little or no scientific basis. Techniques involving lasers and/or platelet injections are hyped up as the latest new wonder cures from America, but if you ask an independent doctor about them they'll tell you that they're speculative and far from proven. In some specific cases conventional medicine can help - for instance steroid creams and immunosuppressant drugs sometimes reduce inflammation where that is a cause - but in many cases they merely delay but don't cure the conditions.

Disguising Alopecia - our techniques

We don't offer any of those so-called treatments, but we can offer women an option that conceals their hair loss and enables them to forget their worries and live a normal life. Our expert staff at the studio in Edinburgh have long experience of how such conditions can be completely hidden and of reassuring women who have given up hope of ever having attractive hair again that they can be more glamourous than they ever imagined.

Our options include different varieties of our Intralace Systems, and ultra-fine Medi Connections extensions, depending on the type and extent of hair loss in each case. These are not "standard solutions" - each system is specifically tailored to the individual concerned and the amount and type of hair loss they have.


The Next Step - Contacting Us

If you live in Edinburgh, or the central and eastern areas of Scotland then you're in easy reach of our studio, even Glasgow is only a 45 minute train journey away. Come and see us and we'll advise you on your Alopecia problems - always honest, always sympathetic, and always constructive.

The first consultation is free and if you prefer you can have a video consultation instead.

To contact us about an appointment or get more information see the Edinburgh Contact page where you can send us an enquiry or give us a call.

For details of our location and directions for getting there see our Edinburgh Directions page.

For further information on Alopecia visit our Alopecia pages or our FFA pages and our various galleries including the Intralace Gallery.


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