Client Testimonials
Client Letters - Penny
Dear Lucinda
I wanted to write and tell you how pleased I am with my hair extensions. (I had them done the week before last by Terry – and met you briefly with your granddaughter in the salon.)
I immediately felt more feminine and confident. I have always wished for long hair and could only grow it to shoulder length and then it was very fine and wispy and looked awful. My partner loves it and says I look younger which is great, and my 24-year-old daughter approves and agrees I look younger!! (I am 57 so this is wonderful news!)
I am so glad I did my research on the Internet for a reputable salon before I went ahead with the extensions, as I have heard some awful stories of badly applied ones, as this is the first time I've had them done.
Have you thought of opening a salon in the South West? I guess Bristol would be the obvious place and I'm sure there would be demand for a first-class salon there.
I thought you'd appreciate hearing how thrilled I am with my new hair, and I now look forward to a future having lovely hair!
Best wishes

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