Article on Alopecia in Top Sante magazine

There was an article recently published in the April Edition of Top Sante magazine about Alopecia (reprinted in our main site). The lady featured in the article, Helen, described how her life was affected by her thinning hair. Many people endure months and possibly years of putting up with hair thinning or patchy hair loss caused by Alopecia before they find a solution to help them disguise the areas of loss. It can affect all areas of someone’s life. Helen spoke about how it had affected her relationships. Most partners or husbands are very understanding about how losing your hair can affect a woman’s day to day well being. Some women find everyday activities like dropping the children to school or even going to work a real challenge. Unfortunately for us ladies, it would seem that it is not acceptable within society for us to have anything but a full head of hair. Many clients of ours will say that before they had their hair makeover that people would only look at their hair whilst talking to them, they would not look them in the eye.

It is important to know that there are great options available in terms of replacing the hair that is missing. If your hair thinning or hair loss is affecting your everyday life then a positive step forward would be to investigate what can be done to give you a head of hair that in turn restores your confidence.