With all our developments – opening studios in Edinburgh and Los Angeles – over the last year or so, we’ve rather neglected Hair Loss News but now we’re getting it back on track.

We’ll be adding articles and news items here on a regular basis and coordinating with our other social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter to keep you up to date on anything relating to hair problems. Watch out for our first article tomorrow on coping with hair loss due to chemotherapy.

We’d love to hear your feedback on anything we write here – everyone has a different story and perspective on hair loss and  hearing those stories helps everyone else going through the same problem – so please feel free to share and contribute.

best wishes from Lucinda and the team

Trichotillomania is a body-focused, impulse control disorder which inevitable leads to some degree of hair loss for the sufferer.

Due to its psychological origins, however, the impact of trichotillomania is far more than just physical. It can be extremely distressing for the person with the condition, as well as making them feel so ashamed and embarrassed of their behaviour that they are afraid to tell anyone what is happening. This can lead to problems in getting a formal diagnosis of the condition.

Once trichotillomania has finally been accurately diagnosed, it is then time to think about treatment. Trichotillomania in children tends to resolve itself given time, but a doctor should be consulted if it persists.
For adults, there are a few options available, although the sufferer will need to be patient and cooperative to see results.

The following approaches have shown limited effectiveness in improving symptoms of trichotillomania, but it is important to remember that there is no ‘magic’ cure. You can try:

• Habit reversal training (HRT)
• Cognitive behavioural therapy
• Hypnosis
• Medication such as Acetylcysteine and Inositol

For an increased chance of successful treatment of trichotillomania, it is recommended to try combining medication-based treatment with behavioural therapy methods.

A lack of nutrients in your diet can cause a range of medical effects on the body, including hair loss. The most serious examples of this kind of dietary deficiency can be seen in people with eating disorders and those on extreme weight loss plans. However, your health and your hair can also be at risk from an excess of certain vitamins and minerals, as well as a deficiency.

Excessive intake of vitamin A can cause a condition known as Hypervitaminosis A, which specifically refers to the class of chemical compounds called retinoids. These retinoids have a number of functions within the body, with roles in everything from bone tissue growth and immune function to vision and the regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation.

If you take too much vitamin A and the liver’s stores of retinoids are exceeded, you could face systemic toxicity. This can cause the following effects:

• Liver problems
• Skin discolouration
• Excessive skin peeling/dryness
• Nausea and vomiting
• Headache, dizziness and blurred vision
• Loss of muscular coordination
• Course bone growths
• Reduced bone mineral density
• Hair loss

If you suspect you have Hypervitaminosis A, it is important to make an appointment to see your GP to get a formal diagnosis and treatment.

Losing hair can prove distressing, but it’s important to remember that it is perfectly normal to lose a certain amount. We generally lose around 100-150 strands a day so a little bit on your pillow or in your hair brush is no cause for alarm.

Beyond that, there may be a problem and there are many possible reasons why a person might lose hair. One common reason is pattern hair loss. This is where hair becomes thinner after puberty and it results from hair roots narrowing.

Environmental factors can play a part too, such as diet, stress and treatments such as rebonding and hair colouring, as can deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals. A lack of vitamin B, zinc or iron could potentially result in hair loss.

Many who suffer hair loss have a genetic predisposition towards doing so and this may be linked to hormonal changes at certain stages of life, such as following childbirth. Illnesses can also bring about a spell of hair loss, as can certain medications.

If you are concerned about the amount of hair which you are losing, the first thing to do is to go and see your doctor. If they cannot diagnose the cause themselves, they will refer you to a dermatologist who should be able to do so. Determining the cause is the first step towards finding a potential cure.

Hair loss has many different causes and while many are simply unavoidable, others can be addressed with simple measures. You may not even be aware that certain things could eventually result in loss of hair. Here are a few tips that could help ensure you retain your hair.

1. Using hair conditioner can help protect hair shafts.
2. Eating a balanced diet is always advisable as lack of nutrients can affect hair growth, as can dieting.
3. Avoiding chemical procedures or leaving a suitable rest period between them is advisable. Leave six months between hair rebondings and a month between colourings.
4. Vitamin B, zinc and iron supplements could help preserve your hair as deficiencies of these can result in loss of hair.
5. Head massages can promote blood circulation which aids hair growth, soothing nerves and relaxing muscles.
6. Excessive blow drying can damage hair.
7. Try and combat stress wherever possible as this is often a cause for hair loss.

If you do find that you are losing hair, consult your GP. With so many possible causes, correct diagnosis is vital in order to properly treat the problem.

A large number of medications have unwanted side effects, however effective they may be at treating and curing medical conditions. One of the most unwelcome of these side effects, particularly in women, is hair loss.

What medications can cause hair loss?

If you take any of the following medications, you may experience hair loss or thinning hair.

• Antibiotics
• Antifungal medications
• Interferons
• Chemotherapy medication
• Anticoagulants (blood thinners)
• Antidepressants
• Anticonvulsants (for epilepsy)
• Medication for lowering cholesterol or blood pressure
• Steroids
• Acne medication
• Hormone replacement therapy
• Thyroid medications
• Oral contraceptives
• Immunosuppressant medications
• Mood stabilisers
• NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication)
• Medications for Parkinson’s disease

Remember though – medication affects different people in different ways, often depending on the dosage and type of medication taken and the person’s sensitivity to it.

What can I do about drug-induced hair loss?

The good news for people experiencing hair loss caused by medication is that it tends to be temporary and will hopefully improve once you stop taking the medication. You should see your doctor as soon as you notice any problems with hair loss, whether you have started a new course of medical treatment or not.