Seven tips to help prevent certain forms of hair loss

Hair loss has many different causes and while many are simply unavoidable, others can be addressed with simple measures. You may not even be aware that certain things could eventually result in loss of hair. Here are a few tips that could help ensure you retain your hair.

1. Using hair conditioner can help protect hair shafts.
2. Eating a balanced diet is always advisable as lack of nutrients can affect hair growth, as can dieting.
3. Avoiding chemical procedures or leaving a suitable rest period between them is advisable. Leave six months between hair rebondings and a month between colourings.
4. Vitamin B, zinc and iron supplements could help preserve your hair as deficiencies of these can result in loss of hair.
5. Head massages can promote blood circulation which aids hair growth, soothing nerves and relaxing muscles.
6. Excessive blow drying can damage hair.
7. Try and combat stress wherever possible as this is often a cause for hair loss.

If you do find that you are losing hair, consult your GP. With so many possible causes, correct diagnosis is vital in order to properly treat the problem.