Coping with hair loss your own way

In the same way that the cause of hair loss varies from person to person, the management of the condition is a personal decision. It’s all up to you – everything from how the condition will be treated, who you tell about it and whether or not you want to cover your hair loss.

Some people choose to disguise patchy hair loss or total baldness with bandannas, headscarves, hats and human hair wigs. This last option, in particular, is effective at restoring some sense of ‘normalcy’ to your day-to-day life.

However, others feel that by hiding or disguising your hair loss, you are in some way ashamed of it or apologising for it. These people prefer to be bald and proud when they face the world, letting their inner beauty shine through.

There is no right or wrong way to deal with female hair loss, so you shouldn’t feel in any way judged for covering or not covering your head. You are the one going through this often debilitating and overwhelming experience, so you should be the one to make all the decisions. You need to find your own style and your own method of coping, choosing something that makes you feel both comfortable and self-confident.