Alopecia symptoms to look out for

The most obvious symptom of any hair loss condition is, of course, the loss of hair. However, there are many different types of female hair loss condition, so you may need to look out for other symptoms in order to accurately pinpoint which one you have.

The most important thing to do if you suspect that you have a hair loss condition is to visit your GP and get a formal diagnosis. To make sure your diagnosis is as accurate as possible – some hair loss conditions present similar symptoms – you may need to look out for the following symptoms and tell your doctor.

Alopecia symptoms

Look out for:

• Round, coin-shaped bald patches on the scalp or any other part of the body
• A tingling or slightly painful sensation in the areas where hair has fallen out
• Hairs that have thinned towards the scalp, often called ‘exclamation point’ hairs
• Hair that pulls out easily near bald patches
• Pitting in your nails

Report any of these symptoms to your doctor, who may then refer you to a hair loss specialist or a clinic specialising in hair replacement or treatment.