Category Archives: Hair Managment options

In the same way that the cause of hair loss varies from person to person, the management of the condition is a personal decision. It’s all up to you – everything from how the condition will be treated, who you tell about it and whether or not you want to cover your hair loss.

Some people choose to disguise patchy hair loss or total baldness with bandannas, headscarves, hats and human hair wigs. This last option, in particular, is effective at restoring some sense of ‘normalcy’ to your day-to-day life.

However, others feel that by hiding or disguising your hair loss, you are in some way ashamed of it or apologising for it. These people prefer to be bald and proud when they face the world, letting their inner beauty shine through.

There is no right or wrong way to deal with female hair loss, so you shouldn’t feel in any way judged for covering or not covering your head. You are the one going through this often debilitating and overwhelming experience, so you should be the one to make all the decisions. You need to find your own style and your own method of coping, choosing something that makes you feel both comfortable and self-confident.

Sadly, hair loss is a near certain consequence of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

This can be a bewildering and stressful time for patients, as they struggle to cope with a life-threatening illness and a debilitating and often aggressive chemotherapy treatment programme. Add to this a rapid shedding of hair and the corresponding loss of your sense of identity, and the situation is terrifying.

Knowing the facts can sometimes help to allay some of the panic you may feel during your chemotherapy course, even if it’s just about hair loss. The following are a few commonly asked questions about chemotherapy and hair loss, and a brief answer for each:

Q: When in my treatment will my hair start to fall out?

A: This varies from patient to patient, but it most commonly starts to happen after the second treatment.

Q: Is there anything I need to do at this time?

A: The best thing you can do is to take care of your scalp, washing regularly to make yourself feel more comfortable and to provide optimum conditions for regrowth.

Q: How can I cover or cope with my hair loss?

A: Whilst you wait for your hair to regrow after you finish your treatment, it is recommended to seek a temporary solution such as human hair wigs to cover your hair loss in the interim.

So many women feel uncomfortable about their hair loss and this is why they are choosing to wear wigs to cover their bald patches or thinning hair. Although it is common to see a man walking down the street with a bald head, unfortunately the same cannot be said for women and this is one of the reasons why women feel so self conscious when they are suffering with female hair loss.

Female hair loss is very common and it is probably more common than you think. Female hair loss can occur in any women regardless of her age or how fit and healthy she is. Some of the fittest and healthiest women have been struck with female hair loss. However, women always find a way to cope with these sorts of situations and a solution for many women is wearing a wig.

Wigs can be temporary or they can be permanent if your female hair loss cannot be treated. It is amazing how human hair wigs look once they have been put on and it is really difficult to tell whether somebody to wearing one or not. The great thing about human hair wigs is that you can treat it as if it were your own hair.

You might have never thought about female hair loss until you started to notice that a large quantity of your hair is falling out. Typically women notice that their hair is different when they are in the shower and they are washing their hair. Female hair loss can take a while for it to appear significantly enough for it to be noticeable when you are looking at yourself in the mirror.

In a lot of women, the hair loss is brought on by stress in their life and it can sometimes be a slow reaction to something that has happened to you. In most instances, the hair follicles have become dormant which means that they are no longer producing hair. However, provided you receive the right treatment, the hair follicles can be stimulated in order for the hair to start growing again.

The only way that you are going to get the right treatment is by going to the doctor. Your doctor will be able to advise you on your hair loss and give the medication that you require. They may also refer you to see a specialist so that further tests can be undertaken to confirm the form of hair loss that you are suffering with.

When any women of any age starts to notice that her hair is appearing thinner than usual or they have found bald spots on their hair, it is usually a sign that they are experiencing some form of female hair loss.

Female hair loss is relatively common, although not as common as male hair loss. There are many reasons why women experience hair loss and the various conditions such as alopecia have different strands and require different treatments.

Whilst you are receiving treatment for whatever type of female hair loss you are experiencing, you may want to cover your head so that it isn’t obvious that you have lost some or all of your hair. Many women feel self conscious about their hair loss and they don’t want people to stare at them or let their hair loss make them feel uncomfortable.

This is why many women turn to human hair wigs in order to cover up their hair loss and to help them get on with their day and forget about what is happening to them. There is a wide selection of human hair wigs that are on the market and you could try a number of different wigs before you find the right one for you. It can be coloured and styled to match your own hair if you wanted to.

Would you know what to do if you were experiencing hair loss? Most women are completely unsure about what to do when they are experiencing female hair loss and they feel embarrassed about what they are going through.

It can be a hard time, especially if you are going through a stressful time in your life because it can another thing to worry about. Some women experience hair loss when they are going through a stressful time and find it hard to cope with what is going on. However, there is absolutely nothing to worry about if you start to experience hair loss.

In order to find out what kind of hair loss you are experiencing, you will need to speak with your doctor. They will be able to determine whether it is occurring because of the stressful events in your life or whether you have a more serious type of hair loss. Alopecia which is a type of hair loss can occur for a range of different reasons so it is always best to get checked out by a medical professional as they can give you advice and the right treatment for the type of hair loss you are suffering with.