Is a wig my only option?

There are a number of methods for managing hair loss and many cases a wig is not the best solution. Even in cases where someone has experienced total hair loss, there are alternatives. For example, the Intralace system.

What are the advantages of the Intralace system?
First of all, the Intralace system offers greater flexibility than a wig. For people suffering only partial hair loss, the Intralace system can be integrated with your natural hair.

It is also the case that, unlike with wigs, you only need one Intralace system. No spare is required because it is possible to attend the hair loss clinic when necessary if anything needs to be done. It lasts for two to three years and offers much greater freedom than a wig. It also offers a natural hairline, which means greater realism.

If you use the Intralace system, you can highlight and colour your hair when you visit the clinic and treat your hair completely as normal. You can do activities and play sports and can even swim with it in place. Maintenance is only required about once every six weeks.