Your hair loss can be frustrating

There isn’t anything more frustrating than seeing your hair falling out. There are many different reasons why women experience hair loss during their lifetime and it can often occur when you are stressed, worried or anxious about something or a situation in your life.

If you feel like something is getting on top of you and you are struggling to cope with the situation, it can cause a lot of stress and this can impact significantly on your body. This in turn can affect your hair follicles and they are very sensitive. As a result of the stress, you may notice that your hair appears thinner or you have small bald patches on your scalp. As well has hair loss on your scalp, you can also experience hair loss on your body and it is common to experience loss of eyebrows, eyelashes and other hair on your body.

Before you start worrying about your hair loss, a visit to your doctor will be able to put your mind at rest. They will be able to assess your hair loss and ensure that you are receiving the right treatment for your hair loss. You should find that your hair follicles start to react to the treatment and your hair starts to return.