Worrying about your hair loss can make matters worse

It’s easy to tell someone not to worry about their female hair loss, but it’s a completely different story when you’re the person actually living and coping with the condition every day.

Nonetheless, a number of hair loss conditions are either triggered or worsened by emotional stress and anxiety. This is why it’s important to stay calm upon noticing the first signs of hair loss, focusing on taking positive, decisive action instead of giving in to panic.

Again, staying calm is easier said than done. One of the main reasons losing your hair can be so distressing is because you feel you have no control of what’s happening to your body. Some hair loss conditions can also cause clumps of hair to fall out all of a sudden. The shock of finding your hair on your pillow or on the floor of the shower can be tremendous.

The first thing to remember is that you aren’t alone – many, many women suffer from hair loss conditions and are able to recover and live their lives as normal.

The second thing to remember is that there are many treatments and hair loss management products now available, with everything from human hair wigs to hair replacement treatments being used to disguise hair loss until the hair can grow back. Until that happens, summon some inner strength and try not to worry.