What to do after you’ve been diagnosed with female hair loss

The first and most crucial thing to do if you notice your hair has been thinning or falling out is to get it checked out by a doctor. Once you’ve been formally diagnosed and you know what the medical cause for your hair loss is, you can start to learn about how to cope with the condition.

Hair loss in women has psychological and emotional effects as well as just altering physical appearance. Losing your hair and having no power over what’s happening to you can be frightening and worrying, and it can negatively affect your confidence and self-esteem too.

This is why you need to learn to accept your hair loss condition, do something about it if you can but overall, find ways to live life as normal and feel good about yourself. You have a few options:

• You can try cosmetic treatments and hair replacement techniques such as human hair wigs and super-fine hair extensions

• There are medications for hair loss available such as minoxidil, which is known to be effective in a reasonable number of cases

• The final option is a surgical procedure such as hair transplantation