Understanding telogen effluvium

Most people know the hair loss condition telogen effluvium by another name – pattern baldness. However, not a lot of people properly understand what causes male or female pattern baldness or how the condition makes the hair fall out. As a starting point, read the following explanation…

There are two phases affecting hair growth cycles – anagen (the growing phase) and telogen (the resting phase). Telogen effluvium involves the hair follicles prematurely entering the resting phase. This causes massive hair loss, staring with generalised thinning hair.

What causes telogen effluvium?

The condition is believed to be caused by emotional or physiological stress on the body, triggering an interruption to the normal hair cycle. This sort of stress can be caused by a number of factors or conditions, such as:

• Chronic illness
• Childbirth
• Eating disorders
• Hyperthyroidism
• Drugs and medication
• Major surgery
• Anaemia
• Severe emotional disorders
• Crash diets or poor nutrition

Is there a cure?

In most cases of telogen effluvium, the condition improves and the hair will grow back on its own over time. Although most people find that the condition clears up within six months or so, some find that it recurs or becomes chronic.