The thyroid gland and hair loss

There are many causes for hair loss in women, so it is important to get a proper diagnosis from your GP if you think you are suffering from a hair loss condition. Only when the correct cause of your problem is identified can the right solutions or hair loss management options be found.

One cause of hair loss in women is down to the thyroid gland. Found in the back of the neck, the thyroid gland is responsible for three main functions, such as:

• The production of proteins
• How quickly energy is used in the body
• The sensitivity of the body to other hormones

An underactive thyroid is known as hypothyroidism, whilst an overactive gland is called hyperthyroidism. Both of these conditions can cause female hair loss, thinning or brittle hair.

Hyperthyroidism – overactive

A condition more common in women than in men, hyperthyroidism occurs when there is too much thyroid hormone in the body. It causes many changes in the body, such as weight loss/gain, a loosening of nails and patchy hair loss known as alopecia.

Hypothyroidism – underactive

This is when the underactive thyroid gland is not producing enough of the hormone known as thyroxine, causing symptoms that may not show up for several years. When they do, sufferers may notice hair loss, muscle cramps, tiredness, depression and many other symptoms.