The most common form of hair loss

There are many different types of hair loss and it is worth getting your head around the different types of hair loss and the reasons why women lose their hair so that you can start to understand what is happening to you.

The most common form of hair loss amongst both men and women is called telogen effluvium. This is when the hair all over the body is lost, not just their hair that appears on your head. It can occur to absolutely anybody and it can occur at any time during your life so it doesn’t matter whether you are young or old or male or female, it could happen to you.

However, you don’t have to start panicking just yet; it generally occurs as a result of intense stress to both your body and for some it can become a very severe problem. In women in particular it is believed that those who are overanxious or overstressed are susceptible to this condition. The hair typically thins rather than goes completely bald but there is some hope on the horizon, it does get better with time and by reducing the amount of stress and anxiety that you put yourself through.