Potential causes of female hair loss

Alopecia areata
This is quite a well-known cause of female hair loss due to the fact that several well-known women who have suffered have spoken about their experience, highlighting the symptoms and impact of the condition. It is thought that likely that alopecia areata affects those with a genetic predisposition towards it, being triggered either through stress or a certain pathogen.

This is a psychological condition where the sufferer has a hair-pulling compulsion. It is ordinarily head hair that is pulled. It is thought that as many as two per cent of people are affected by this at some stage in their life. It is far more likely to affect women than men.

Telogen effluvium
With this condition, hair is lost in the wake of emotional or physical trauma, often in times of extreme stress. Essentially, the hair’s growth cycle is interrupted, causing hair to thin. It can be triggered by any stressful event, by childbirth, because of eating disorders and can also happen after major surgery.

Whatever you suspect may be the cause of your hair loss, it is important to get it properly diagnosed before attempting to get treatment. Consult your GP who may then refer you to a consultant dermatologist.