Managing your hair loss

Women of all ages can experience hair loss and for some it can be more serious than others. Hair loss however can be categorised as a number of different conditions so it is always important to make sure that you get a proper diagnosis from your doctor to determine the particular hair loss.

With there being so many different forms of hair loss that you could be suffering from, it might be difficult for your general practitioner to determine that particular strain of alopecia or other form of hair loss. This may explain why they have decided to refer you to a specialist so that further tests can be carried out in order to get the correct diagnosis.

In the meantime however whilst you are waiting for your referral, your doctor may advise you about some other steps that you can take in order to ensure that your hair loss does not get any worse. Reducing the amount of stress that you have in your life may be one of them. Stress can cause a significant amount of harm to your body and it is vitally important that you try and maintain your work life balance. You may notice that once you have a handle on your stress that your hair starts to regrow or it looks less thin.