Lifestyle habits that can lead to hair loss

People can experience hair loss at any time of their life. It is quite common for babies and pregnant women to experience hair loss to some degree, for example. In this instance, the hair loss is due to hormonal changes. When the hormones return to normal, the hair returns, although there will be a lag as hair takes a while to grow.

Both men and women tend to experience thinning of their hair as they get older as well. In women, it is more likely following the menopause. Around two-thirds of men are affected by bald patches or receding hairlines by the age of 60.

In addition to this, there are also lifestyle factors that can cause or exacerbate hair loss. Emotional or physical stress is a common cause, but malnutrition is less well-known. Certain hair styling treatments can also lead to hair loss, including hair extensions and chemical hair treatments.

If you do think that you are losing hair, go and see your GP who will either diagnose the problem or refer you to a dermatologist to do so. When you know the cause of your hair loss, you can then hopefully address the problem.