Hair loss advice: going out in public for the first time

How you cope with your hair loss condition is a very personal decision, all depending on what makes you feel the most comfortable and self-confident. Some people choose to cover their head, whilst others shave off their remaining hair and head out in public with a completely bald head.

If you are worried about your hair loss being noticeable and attracting unwelcome attention, you can wear a human hair wig or see a specialist about Medi Connections hair extensions or another hair replacement method.

On the other hand, if you have decided to embrace your hair loss without attempting to disguise it, you will need to know how to deal with the attention you may receive. There seems to be a stigma surrounding female hair loss, so you might encounter people staring and whispering.

Rather than being hurt or offended by these hurtful and insensitive actions, you can take positive steps to diffuse the situation. Try:

• Explaining your condition briefly when you meet new people, bringing the subject up first to alleviate any awkwardness
• Politely asking people not to stare
• Being assertive rather than aggressive, defensive or confrontational