Examining the link between female hair loss and diet

Sadly, there is no miracle cure for female hair loss, nor is there one particular type of food you can eat to either prevent hair loss or cause hair to grow back. The best way to find a solution to your problem is to consult your GP or a hair loss specialist.

However, there is a link between some aspects of female hair loss and the sufferer’s nutritional intake. Whilst permanent hair loss is usually caused by genetic disposition, temporary loss or thinning of hair can be affected by nutritional deficiencies.

The following is a brief outline of the vitamins involved in hair growth and loss:

Vitamin A – You need a sufficient intake of Vitamin A to promote the growth of healthy hair and scalp tissues. A prolonged deficiency can cause cellular debris to accumulate in the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.

Zinc – A mineral which promotes cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair, Zinc deficiency has often been associated with dandruff and hair loss.

Vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid – These B Vitamins are essential for ensuring that your scalp receives enough blood and oxygen to keep it healthy and strong. A deficiency could cause shedding or thinning hair, as well as slow regrowth.

Other vitamins and minerals associated with hair growth and loss include: iron, Vitamin C, copper, and protein.