Why am I losing my hair?

Have you lost some or all of your hair recently but you have been wondering why it happening to you and not anybody else around you? It might surprise you to hear that many women suffer from hair loss during their lifetime and it can sometimes be a result of a stressful time in their life. We all go through periods during our lifetime when we put ourselves through an immense amount of stress, this can cause the body to go into shock and as a result, their hair on your head starts to fall out. The hair follicles have become dormant but until you remove the stresses from your life, your hair will not grow back.

Most reasons for hair loss can be sorted, however, there are some hair loss conditions that cannot be cured and this can be very distressing for women who have never been through anything like this before. In order to ensure that you are getting the best treatment for your hair loss, your doctor will have to assess the type of hair loss that you are suffering with and if necessary they will refer you to a specialist. Getting yourself to the doctors will hopefully put your mind at rest and start to give you answers for your hair loss.