What is ultra-refined follicular unit transplantation?

The only permanent method that offers guarantees that you will recover your hair is transplantation. A correctly performed procedure should ensure natural results that are undetectable even to hair stylists. Using this method, hair can be restored to the scalp, hairline and even to eyebrows, eyelashes etc. It is even possibly to create hair growth in scar tissue.

The most sophisticated form of hair transplantation is ultra-refined follicular unit transplantation. In this process, hair roots are taken from the back or side of the head where hair is growing and these are then positioned in balding areas. Good results can be seen after only one session with natural-looking, dense hair growing. Furthermore, you are allowed to go home just half an hour after your treatment session has finished.

When treating the hairline, individual hairs are placed to grow in the same direction as the natural hair. This ensures the best results and is therefore virtually undetectable. This is a longer process. Hair treatment sessions can last up to eight hours depending on the number of hairs being transplanted.

People undergoing this treatment may experience slight discomfort when the anaesthetic is initially applied, but after that the hair transplantation itself is painless. After treatment, it takes around three or four months before new hair grows, but from then on, the hair grows as normal.