Understanding your hair loss condition

There are many ways in which you can lose your hair during your lifetime, especially when you are receiving invasive treatment for cancer by way of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. But there are also a wide range of hair loss conditions that can be suffered by anybody regardless of their age or their health. Most of these conditions can be treated by medication that you receive from your doctor, however others are more complex and require further tests and examinations to ensure that you are receiving the right treatment.

If you have recently noticed that your hair is thinning or you have bald patches on your scalp, you need to make sure that your visit your doctor. Your doctor is best placed to offer you advice about your hair loss and tell you whether or not it is treatable. If your doctor is unable to help you, they will refer you to a specialist who will be able to test your hair loss and give you a more in depth diagnosis. If you are unsure about any of the treatments that you are receiving or the advice that you have been given, you can always ask for a second opinion or for things to be explained further so that you have a better understanding about the condition you are suffering with.