Is female hair loss genetic?

Nobody wants to start losing their hair and for some people the thought of losing their precious locks it sends a chill down their spine. So far, scientists have not been able to find a genetic link for hair loss. So if your mother suffered from female hair loss, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you are also going to suffer with it.

Unlike male hair loss which can affect a large proportion of men, there are few women who suffer hair loss. Most women find that the reasons why they are suffering from hair loss is because of a change in their lifestyle, they are under an enormous amount of pressure and they are also going through a difficult time in their life. Hair loss can also be a result of hair loss conditions such as alopecia which can be triggered by stress and emotions.

By being aware of your body and taking stock of any changes in your lifestyle and managing the amount of stress that you are under, hopefully you should find that you do not experience hair loss. If you do start to notice that your hair is thinning or that you have bald patches on your scalp, you should see your doctor immediately.