Hair loss during pregnancy is common

There is nothing more precious than bringing new life into the world but with pregnancy comes many side effects that some women don’t realise that they are going to get. One such side effect is hair loss. There are so many changes occurring to your body whilst you are going through your pregnancy that it can be hard for your body to keep up, especially when it comes to your hormones. Your hormones will be racing around your body and although you might not be stressed on the outside, it might be taking a toll on your body on the inside.

During your pregnancy it is important that you see your doctor on a regular basis to make sure that your health is good and that your baby is growing well. They may also ask you about how you are feeling about your pregnancy. If you have started to suffer with hair loss, they may be able to give you some medication to ensure that you don’t suffer any further hair loss as well as provide you with some advice about female hair loss during pregnancy. A lot of women go through the same thing so you don’t need to worry that you are the only one.