There are various reasons for female hair loss

You might have never experienced hair loss before and you are surprised to see that you are suffering with bald patches in your hair or all of your hair has started to fall out. Some women experience extensive hair loss when they go through chemotherapy and radiotherapy whilst they are being treated for cancer, however sometimes women can also experience hair loss for other reasons.

There are so many different reasons why women lose their hair so it is vitally important that you go and speak to your doctor and discuss the symptoms that you have been having. Your doctor may be able to give you answers about your hair loss there and then and they will probably refer you to a specialist who knows everything there is to know about female hair loss. This is a positive step forward and it will help you to understand what is happening to you.

Understanding your hair loss is one step on the road to recovering and there are plenty of places that you can get information about the specific type of hair loss that you have been suffering with. You will be able to get information about the treatments that are available and also what you can do in the meantime to boost your self confidence.