Seeing a specialist about your hair loss

Hair loss is something that many women can suffer with during your lifetime and if you have started to notice that your hair is thinning or that you have bald patches on your scalp then you may need to have a visit to your doctor.

The worst thing you can do when you notice that you have something medically wrong with you is to look on the internet and try and self diagnose. Rather than self diagnosis, you need to visit your doctor and ensure that there are no underlying issues that you might be suffering with that could potentially be causing your hair loss. Hair loss can be a side effect for many different illnesses and some medical treatment for cancer can cause cancer as well.

However your doctor will be able to fully diagnose your hair loss and ensure that you are receiving the right medication. They may even refer you to a specialist to get your hair loss fully assessed. The hair specialist may ask to take samples of your hair and undertake blood tests to see if there is a reason behind your hair loss. They will also give you some advice about how you should control your hair loss with reducing your stress levels and ensuring that you have a good work home life balance as this could be causing your hair loss.