Category Archives: Hair Loss Treatments

When you are pregnant, there is going to be so much going on in your life, that you might not notice that your hair is starting to thin or that you have developed bald patches on your scalp. Many women suffer with hair loss during their pregnancy and it is often a common side effect. The reason why many women suffer with hair loss during their pregnancy is because of the enormous amount of strain that is being placed on their body and also the hormones that are racing around their body.

It doesn’t matter whether your hair loss is only minor, you still need to speak to your doctor and find out whether it would be worth getting treatment for your hair loss. A lot of women don’t like to take extra medication during their pregnancy and your doctor may advise that it is worth waiting to see whether your hair loss clears up after you have given birth.

If after a couple of months your hair hasn’t started to return, it would be a good idea to return to your doctor and start taking the right medication. In the meantime, don’t worry about your hair loss.

One of the most common times in your life to experience hair loss is when you are pregnant or going through the menopause. This is often because there is a significant amount of change occurring and there are hormones racing around your body, which is affecting you more than you might think.

During pregnancy and the menopause, your body has more hormones than normal and sometimes your hair follicles can react to this and this in turn can lead to hair loss. It doesn’t necessarily happen to every woman whilst she is going through the menopause or whilst she is pregnant but it can happen to some.

If you are concerned about the hair loss that you are suffering with, you should go and speak to your doctor. They will be able to put your mind at rest and you will be able to understand what is happening a bit better. They can put you on medication to stimulate your hair follicles if you want, but this isn’t necessarily recommended whilst you are pregnant. You should hopefully notice that once you have given birth or you have finished going through the menopause that your hair starts to return.

If you have never experienced hair loss before, it can come as a surprise, however, if you are aware of your body, you will know if you are going through a stressful time which could be the cause of your hair loss.

There are many reasons why you can experience hair loss as well as stress and it can sometimes be a sign of something more serious. The only way to get a formal diagnosis is to visit your doctor. They will have seen women in your situation before so you don’t need to feel embarrassed or ashamed about what you are going through. They will provide you with the support that you need to get through this difficult time.

It doesn’t matter whether your hair loss is insignificant or you have lost the majority of your hair, there will be a treatment for you and you should find that your hair returns once you have started on the right medication. If there isn’t a treatment available for the particular type of hair loss you are suffering with then you might want to think about ways in which you can cover your hair loss such as wearing a wig.

Many women throughout the world suffer from hair loss so there is no reason for you to feel as if you are the only one. The reason why you might not know as much about female hair loss as you’d like is because it is a topic that isn’t openly discussed in female circles. Unlike male hair loss, you don’t tend to see many women with bald patches or thinning hair as you are walking down the street. This is because women are very sensitive about their female hair loss and they will go to great lengths to ensure that nobody notices that they have lost their hair.

If you don’t want people to know that you are suffering from female hair loss, you need to get yourself a good wig. There are many different kinds of wig available, but the best ones are human hair wigs. The great thing about a human hair wig is that you can treat it like you would your own hair. It can be styled, cut and coloured to your liking so that it doesn’t look obvious that you are wearing a wig. You could get yourself a couple of different wigs and alternate them if you fancy having some fun whilst you are suffering with female hair loss.

Whatever age you are, you might be wondering why you are suffering from female hair loss. It isn’t uncommon for women to suffer hair loss during any time in their lives but it is most common when women are pregnant or when they are going through the menopause. However, you still need to go and see your doctor regardless of what age you are to ensure that your hair loss is not a sign of any underlying health issues.

You might have heard of alopecia and this is one of the most common forms of hair loss that is suffered by both men and women. Having a lot of stress in your life sometimes causes alopecia and it can be easily avoided, however if you are suffering from alopecia, your doctor will need to formally diagnose it.

Having your hair loss formally diagnosed will ensure that you are getting the right treatment for your hair loss. They will advise you on ways in which you can reduce the stress in your life and hopefully reduce the instances of alopecia. There have been many celebrities who have suffered with alopecia and they have coped with it very well. Gail Porter has famously suffered with alopecia as a result of postnatal depression.

You may have looked after your hair really well during your lifetime, but this doesn’t mean that you won’t suffer with female hair loss. Most cases of female hair loss are as a result of stress, trauma and physical and hormonal changes that are occurring in your body. Regardless of how well you have treated your hair, you might still suffer from hair loss.

There are many myths surrounding female hair loss and the loss of hair such as over brushing the hair, over styling and colouring the hair. However these are all old wives tales and there are more scientific reasons for women losing their hair during their lifetime.

In most cases of female hair loss it is triggered by a physical, emotional or hormonal change to their body which has resulted in their hair follicles becoming dormant and therefore not producing hair. For some women this can be bald patches on the scalp, whereas others it is the thinning of the hair. If you think that you are suffering with some form of female hair loss, you should speak to your doctor and get a formal diagnosis. Your doctor may even refer you to a specialist to ensure that you are getting the right treatment for your hair loss.